Monday, October 4, 2010

Opening Day Ceremonies

I had a sleepover with my mom this weekend. Friday, October 1 marked our Opening Day ceremony, which she flew out from Virginia to attend. As we are the Founding Year this year, a lot of top brass was in attendance (obviously none as important as my own house guest): the CEO and co-founder of City Year, Michael Brown; a lot of other high-up people from the CY Headquarters in Boston; US Congresswoman Gwen Moore; Superintendent of MPS Gregory Thornton; Julie Uihlein, a very, very wealthy woman who donated $1 million to get City Year to Milwaukee and then another $100,000 to sponsor a school team; and of course the current Corps and our immediate supervisors and all our friends and family.

The ceremony consisted of a lot of speeches and some demonstrations of enthusiasm by the Corps Members and a reception afterwards, with food. Honestly, there only needs to be free food and half the Corps will attend anything.

Opening Day is really making all the City Year members into debutantes, being introduced to Milwaukee society. I've attached some pictures of my team in all our red glory.

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